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Artist Bio/個人簡歷

Born in Hefei, Anhui, China, Yiming (一鳴) lives in Toronto, Canada throughout his life. Yi Ming is an mixed-media artist who graduated from OCAD University's Drawing and Painting in Expanded Animation program with a minor in Integrated Media. Yi Ming's works are both digital and analogue, which includes photoshop and oil on canvas paintings. In his current works, he visualizes the daily struggles of Chinese Canadians and the racial stereotypes they face from society. He explores themes such as love, portraiture, Buddhism and cultural identity issues. Yi Ming works on using both digital and traditional mediums to explore the themes of love and cultural identity. Currently he is pursuing his masters degree in the Masters of Education : Curriculum & Pedagogy Program at University of Toronto's OISE institution. 

When Yi Ming is not creating artworks he loves to learn new languages, take a nice jog at parks, and watch reality tv-shows on youtube.


一鳴生於中國安徽省合肥市,一生都住在加拿大多倫多。 易明是一位混合媒體藝術家,畢業於OCAD University的“擴展動畫”繪畫課程,輔修綜合媒體。 易明的作品既是數字的又是模擬的,其中包括photoshop和布面油畫。 在他目前的作品中,他形象化了加拿大華人的日常鬥爭以及他們面對社會的種族定型觀念。 他探索主題,例如愛情,肖像,佛教和文化認同問題。 易明致力於運用數字媒體和傳統媒體探索愛情和文化認同的主題。 目前,他正在多倫多大學OISE機構的教育碩士課程和教學法課程中攻讀碩士學位。


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